Allais Effect Sources

L’anisotropie de L’espace, Maurice Allais, 1997 (Original French)
Allais - 1997 - L’anisotropie de l’espace la nécessaire révision .pdf (4.9 MB)

The Anisotropy of Space, Maurice Allais, 1997 (AI Translation)
Allais_1954_DeepL_en.pdf (16.0 MB)

The “Allais Effect” and My Experiments with the Paraconical Pendulum 1954-1960, Maurice Allais, 1999
Maurice Allais - The Allais Effect and My Experiments with the Paraconical Pendulum.pdf (3.8 MB)

1970 Solar Eclipse as “Seen” by a Torsion Pendulum, Saxl and Allen, 1971
Saxl and Allen - 1971 - 1970 Solar Eclipse as Seen by a Torsion Pendulum.pdf (535.1 KB)

A New Confirmation of the Allais Effect During the Solar Eclipse of 31 May 2003, Pambuccian, 2004

Observation of 1990 Solar Eclipse by a Torsion Pendulum, Jun, 1991
Jun et al. - 1991 - Observation of 1990 solar eclipse by a torsion pen.pdf (156.0 KB)

Experiment with Paraconic Pendulums During the November 3m 1994 Solar Eclipse in Brazil, Savrov, 1997
Savrov - 1997 - Experiment with paraconic pendulums during the Nov.pdf (478.5 KB)

An Experimental Gravimetric Result for the Revival of Corpuscular Theory, Duval, 2005
Duval - 2005 - An Experimental Gravimetric Result for the Revival.pdf (504.9 KB)

A confirmation of the Allais and Jeverdan-Rusu-Antonescu Effects
During the Solar Eclipse from 22 September 2006, and the Quantization
of Behaviour of the Pendulum, Popescu, 2006
Popescu and Olenici - A confirmation of the Allais and Jeverdan-Rusu-Ant.pdf (515.2 KB)

Review on Possible Gravitational Anomalies, Amador, 2008
Amador - 2005 - Review on possible gravitational anomalies.pdf (135.5 KB)

Precise Measurement of Gravity Variations During a Total Solar Eclipse, Yang, 2010
Yang - 2010 - Precise measurement of gravity variations during a.pdf (147.0 KB)

Gravity Attenuation and Consistency with Observed Solar Eclipse Gravitational Anomalies, Munera, 2011
Múnera - 2011 - Gravity attenuation and consistency with observed .pdf (535.7 KB)

Searching the Allais Effect During the Total Sun Eclipse of 11 July 2010, Salva, 2011 (Note: Electromagnetic braking employed, yet not accounted for)
Salva - 2011 - Searching the Allais effect during the total sun e.pdf (1.3 MB)

Allais Gravity and Pendulum Effects During Solar Eclipses Explained, Flandern, 2003
Van Flandern and Yang - 2003 - Allais gravity and pendulum effects during solar e.pdf (172.9 KB)

The Cause of the Allais Effect Solved, Lorenzen, 2017
Lorenzen - 2017 - The Cause of the Allais Effect Solved.pdf (14.1 MB)

Effects of a Mid-Latitude Solar Eclipse on the Thermosphere and Ionosphere- A Modelling Study, Müller-Wodarg, 1998
Müller‐Wodarg et al. - 1998 - Effects of a mid‐latitude solar eclipse on the the.pdf (475.7 KB)

Meteorological Effects of the Solar Eclipse of 11 August 1999, Hanna, 2000
Hanna - 2000 - zyxwvu Meteorological effects of the solar eclipse.pdf (1.2 MB)

The Effect of the Solar Eclipse on the Air Temperature Near the Ground, Szalowski, 2002
The effect of the solar eclipse on the air temperature near the ground.pdf (464.0 KB)

The effect of the Total Solar Eclipse of 29 March 2006 on Meteorological Variables in Greece, Founda, 2007
Founda et al. - 2006 - The effect of the total solar eclipse of 29 March .pdf (1.1 MB)

Surface Pressure Fluctuations Produced by the Total Solar Eclipse of 1 August 2008, Marty, 2012
Marty et al. - 2013 - Surface Pressure Fluctuations Produced by the Tota.pdf (3.1 MB)

Influence of Solar Eclipse on Seawater, Kumar, 2011, (Note: Questionable methodology)
Kumar and Rengaiyan - 2011 - Influence of solar eclipse on seawater.pdf (450.3 KB)

Solar Eclipse Monitoring for Solar Energy Applications, Reda, 2014
Reda - 2015 - Solar eclipse monitoring for solar energy applicat.pdf (706.8 KB)

Pushing Gravity: New Perspectives on Le Sage’s Theory of Gravitation, Edwards, 2002 (See Page 73)
Edwards - 2002 - Pushing Gravity new perspectives on Le Sage’s the.pdf (4.3 MB)

The New Physical Field of Maurice Allais, Hecht, 2010
2010-The New Physical Field of Maurice A-Hecht.pdf (373.2 KB)

Lunar Eclipses and Allais Effect, Bagdoo, 2021
Bagdoo - 2021 - Lunar Eclipses and Allais Effect.pdf (401.4 KB)