Stellar Spectroscopy Sources from Sky Scholar

Chandrasekhar, S. (1945). “On the Continuous Absorption Coefficient of the Negative Hydrogen Ion, I.” Astrophysical Journal 102: 223-231.

continuous_abs_I.pdf (212.0 KB)

Chandrasekhar, S. (1945). “On the Continuous Absorption Coefficient of the Negative Hydrogen Ion, II.” Astrophysical Journal 102: 395-401.

continuous_abs_II.pdf (162.7 KB)

Chandrasekhar, S. and F. H. Breen (1946). “On the Continuous Absorption Coefficient of the Negative Hydrogen Ion. III.” Astrophysical Journal, vol. 104, p. 430 104: 430.

continuous_abs_III.pdf (1.1 MB)

Chandrasekhar, S. and G. Münch (1946). “The Continuous Spectrum of the Sun and the Stars.” Astrophysical Journal, vol. 104, p. 446 104: 446.

continuous_spectrum.pdf (762.6 KB)

Wildt, R. (1979). Electron affinity in astrophysics. A Source Book in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1900–1975, Harvard University Press: 264-267.

electron_affinity.pdf (381.4 KB)

Robitaille, P.-M. (2011). “Stellar opacity: The Achilles’ heel of the gaseous Sun.” Progress in Physics 3: 93.

stellar_opac.pdf (11.9 MB)

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