Norton Archive

Norton, John D. “General Covariance and the Foundations of General Relativity: Eight Decades of Dispute.” Reports of Progress in Physics 56 (1993): 791–861.

1993-General Covariance and the Foundat-Norton.pdf (3.9 MB)

Norton, John D. “Did Einstein Stumble? The Debate Over General Covariance.” In Reflections on Spacetime: Foundations, Philosophy, History, 103–25. Springer, 1995.

1995-Did Einstein stumble_ The Debate O-Norton.pdf (1.5 MB)

Norton, John D. “The Cosmological Woes of Newtonian Gravitation Theory.” The Expanding Worlds of General Relativity 7 (1999): 271.

1999-The Cosmological Woes of Newtonian-Norton.pdf (2.1 MB)

Norton, John D. “Einstein’s Investigations of Galilean Covariant Electrodynamics Prior to 1905.” Archive for History of Exact Sciences 59 (2004): 45–105.

2004-Einstein’s Investigations of Galil-Norton.pdf (310.5 KB)